My Entertainments

Monday, February 19, 2007

Futon peed on, fourth straight hangover.

My maniac friend up from DC peed on my futon for the third time in the last two months. It was on the morning of the fourth day he was here - I actually thought he might make it the whole trip before getting obliterated and pissing his weight on my nice little ikea futon. Nope.

Too many women, so little time. Story of my life. - Buy a sweet beer bong online for cheap.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

What is this Chicory coffee and why does it taste so damn good?

Got three bags of Chicory coffee from a Mardi Gras style cake fed-exed in by a clinical motivational speaker from New Orleans this week, and I have to say it tastes damn good. I read a blurb on relating to this coffee and panicked for a minute when I found out that Chicory coffee is naturally decaffeinated. I could have gone the whole week in a stupor and blamed it on my incessant late night boozing, had I not found this out! Later upon examination of the package, I found this to be "Coffee & Chicory" which actually is caffeinated. Foiled again -too much boozing.

Entertainments: Coffee & Chicory

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